
Joshua Furnal (Ph.D. Durham) is an Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth.

Photo credit: Lisa Chonier

 He is an Associate Editor of Brill Research Perspectives in Theological Traditions and the co-editor of the Contributions to Philosophical Theology series. Recently, he has been the recipient of four visiting research fellowships: the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (Italy), the Hong Kierkegaard Library (USA), Gladstone’s Library (UK), and the National Institute for Newman Studies  (USA).

Before coming to Maynooth, he held a tenure-track teaching and research position at Radboud University in the Netherlands. Prior to Nijmegen, he was a Visiting Research Fellow with the Leslie Center for Humanities and a Lecturer in the Department of Religion at Dartmouth College. Also, he has been a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Tübingen, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Durham University (UK) in the Department of Theology and Religion.

Hbook coveris recent book, ‘Catholic Theology after Kierkegaard‘ was published by Oxford University Press. For a 30% discount on OUP’s website, use this code: AAFLYG6

His main research interests are in the areas of 19th & 20th century Continental Philosophy and Systematic Theology. In particular, he is interested in modern philosophical engagements in Catholic Theology and the intersection between Catholic thought and contemporary culture. At Radboud University, he contributed directly to the research output of Radboud’s Center for Catholic Studies.

He has been recognized for internationally outstanding, research-led teaching across various disciplines.  At Tübingen, he taught ‘Theology and Film‘. At Dartmouth, he taught ‘Kierkegaard & Religious Existentialism’. At Durham University (UK), he taught in the areas of Philosophy of Religion, the history of Christian doctrine, and Religion & Film. At Radboud, he taught in the areas of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology. At Maynooth, he teaches in the area of Systematic Theology.